Additional Superintendent of Police V K Mishra said the girl was found in Delhi last evening where she had married a person identified as Suresh.
After the girl went missing on June 8, her mother filed a complaint alleging that two policemen -- Devraj and Lokendra-- posted in Bahjoi police station area had been terrorising and raping her daughter since the past four months.
Today, the ASP said the mobile phone of the girl was put on surveillance and she was located in Delhi.
The girl claimed that she was an adult, Mishra said.
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"She told the police that her family members used to put restrictions on her due to which she left the house and went to Delhi," the police officer said.
The girl said though she was known to the two policemen, they did not rape her and she wanted to live with her husband, he said.
The ASP said the statement of the girl would be recorded before the Magistrate.