The show titled "Gibson through the Lens" captures the world's guitar heroes enjoying moments with their Gibson guitars - be it backstage, on the tour bus at home or live on stage.
Notable among these photographs is that of Elvis Presley with his Gibson J-200 Accoustic, clicked by Carl Dunn. It is well known, that Presley's manager tried to keep photographers away from the singer.
The lead picture of the exhibition is a black and white photograph of Jimi Hendrix with his Gibson Flying V, clicked by Baron Wolman.
"It's amazing that such a great photo had been overlooked since 1968," Brolan said.
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The exhibition features a wide array of rock musicians that have had a strong influence on the music culture, right from the 1960s. The time line to which these photographs belong go back to 1967 and some of them are as recent as 2007.
The display was put together by Brolan being the curator and with inputs from the US and UK team of Gibson Inc. Along with the contributing photographers.
"All of the photographers got really excited by the concept and took time to revisit their archives with us to search out photos of artists with Gibson or Epiphone guitars, to this day I have photographers calling me and saying they found a great Gibson shot, then they tell me who the artist is!," Brolan said in an email interview.
The reverence that most rock musicians felt for a Gibson guitar is something not alien to even Indian musicians.