The latest incident took place in the western outskirts of Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday night, when vigilantes tied up and badly beat a man accused of stealing a woman's cellphone, Brazilian media reported Friday.
A picture of the man, reported to be 31, showed him curled upon the ground, shirtless, with his hands tied behind his back and what appeared to be blood on the ground around his head. He was rescued by police, but there was no immediate information on his condition.
The man, 29, was lynched Monday after being accused of trying to rob a bar in the far northeastern town of Sao Luis de Maranhao. An adolescent accomplice was also lynched but rescued after playing dead.
Brazilians are used to extreme violence, with heavily armed police confronting drug gangs in Rio and other cities daily. Lynchings are also something of a tradition in a huge country of almost 203 million where the police are far from always trusted.
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The daily newspaper Extra grabbed attention by juxtaposing a picture of the dead man in Luis de Maranhao with an illustration of a slave tied to a whipping post -- images recalling deeply rooted problems of racism in Brazil.
"How can they sleep at night," asks the young man's family on the Extra Facebook page.
"Assaulting and lynching. 'Good people' killing -- it's a bit of a paradox, isn't it?" said one reader in the Facebook exchange.