Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Friday hit out at the Congress for "not showing courage" after the terror attack in Mumbai in 2011, and lauded the NDA government for retaliating after the Pulwama blast which claimed the lives of 40 CRPF men.
Addressing a meeting of lawyers at the Delhi BJP office here, Prasad praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his "positive approach and willpower".
"At the time of 2011 Mumbai attack, the army was ready for action but the Congress leaders had no courage to take retaliatory action but after Pulwama attack our government not only gave a befitting reply through an air strike but also withdrew the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status from Pakistan and imposed 200 per cent custom duties on its goods," Prasad said.
Meanwhile, the Lok Sabha in-charge of Delhi unit of BJP Nirmala Sitharaman and co-in-charge Jaibhan Pawaiya interacted with party leaders and workers on Friday and sought their feedback from different constituencies in Delhi, said a senior party leader.