Rawat, who will turn 66 in April, was the front-runner to become Uttarakhand CM when Congress won the Assembly elections in 2012. However, the party high command appointed Vijay Bahuguna- known to be close to the Gandhi family- to the post. Rawat was made the Water Resources Minister in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's cabinet.
However, many feel the Haridwar MP has now finally got his due. Congress losses in the Assembly elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Delhi recently led the party to do a rethink on Bahuguna ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
Having the reputation of a hard-working leader, Rawat was made a Minister of State for Labour and Employment in 2009 and later MoS for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries. In July 2011, he was made MoS for Parliamentary Affairs.
He was elevated to the rank of a Cabinet Minister in 2012 in an apparent bid to placate him after Bahuguna was made the CM.
Born on April 27, 1947 in Almora, Rawat started with local politics and rose through the ranks. He has a law degree.