Earlier, the RBI had asked co-operative banks to report the member level data relating to the SHGs. A working group of RBI also stressed on the need for putting in place the credit information reporting for SHG members soon.
"The information requirements will be implemented in two phases. The first phase will commence from July 1, 2016 and last for one year. The depth of the credit related information to be collected would increase in Phase II to be implemented from July 1, 2017," RBI said.
Further, "banks shall immediately start monitoring the NPA levels in the SHG segment on an ongoing basis, if not being already done, and collect detailed information from SHG members availing of loans exceeding a lower threshold of Rs 20,000, if the gross NPA in the SHG segment exceeds 10 per cent", RBI said.
RBI also said that banks should encourage the SHGs to keep written records of loans distributed to their members out of the bank loan including the digitisation scheme for SHGs of NABARD and may consider introducing appropriate incentives.