The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday said its balance sheet rose 12.3 per cent to Rs 32,43,011 crore for the year ended June 30.
During the corresponding period ended the past year, its balance sheet was at Rs 28,89,152 crore.
"The increase on the asset side was due to an increase in foreign investments and domestic investments by 7.98 per cent and 35.64 per cent, respectively, and on the liability side due to increase in notes in circulation and other liabilities and provisions by 15.92 per cent and 14.77 per cent, respectively," RBI said in its annual report for 2015-16, released on Tuesday.
It said, while income for the year 2015-16 increased marginally by 2.04 per cent, expenditure increased by 12.23 per cent primarily due to provision made for reimbursing service tax on agency commission paid to agency banks.
The bank transferred an overall surplus of Rs 65,876 crore during the year as against Rs 65,896 crore in 2014-15, representing a marginal decline of 0.03 per cent.
It did not transferred any amount to the Contingency Fund (CF).
A provision of Rs 1,000 crore was made for additional capital contribution in Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran and transferred to the Asset Development Fund.
During the corresponding period ended the past year, its balance sheet was at Rs 28,89,152 crore.
"The increase on the asset side was due to an increase in foreign investments and domestic investments by 7.98 per cent and 35.64 per cent, respectively, and on the liability side due to increase in notes in circulation and other liabilities and provisions by 15.92 per cent and 14.77 per cent, respectively," RBI said in its annual report for 2015-16, released on Tuesday.
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During the period, domestic assets constituted 24.59 per cent while the foreign currency assets and gold (including gold held in the country) constituted 75.41 per cent of total assets as against 21.86 per cent and 78.14 per cent, respectively, as on June 30.
It said, while income for the year 2015-16 increased marginally by 2.04 per cent, expenditure increased by 12.23 per cent primarily due to provision made for reimbursing service tax on agency commission paid to agency banks.
The bank transferred an overall surplus of Rs 65,876 crore during the year as against Rs 65,896 crore in 2014-15, representing a marginal decline of 0.03 per cent.
It did not transferred any amount to the Contingency Fund (CF).
A provision of Rs 1,000 crore was made for additional capital contribution in Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran and transferred to the Asset Development Fund.