"The IT subsidiary would focus on IT and cyber security (including related research) with specific focus on the financial sector and assist in IT Systems audit and assessment of the RBI regulated entities", the central bank said on its website.
Initially, the head of the IT subsidiary would be slated to work as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) up to one year and thereafter as the CEO for a period of up to two years, which will be renewable by mutual agreement for a further period.
"While leading the company, the CEO needs to anticipate the future technology and the fast changing cyber landscape and work towards an IT strategy for regulation and supervision of the cyber space and service requirements of the Banking and Financial Services Sector", the RBI said.
The candidate, preferably between 45-55 years of age, is required to have a minimum 10 years of experience in IT industry, preferably in cyber security and IT systems audit and assessment and implementation of critical IT systems.
The interested candidates may apply by giving all details in soft copy followed by hard copy to its central office by December 18, 2015, it said.