With a view to "promoting ease of reporting" of such transactions, RBI, under the e-Biz project of the government, has enabled online filing of three returns -- ARF, FCGPR and FC-TRS -- with RBI.
Advance Remittance Form (ARF) is used by companies to report FDI inflows to RBI while a company submits Foreign Collaboration General Permission Route(FCGPR) Form for reporting issue of eligible instruments to overseas investor against the FDI inflow. Foreign Collaboration Transfer of Shares (FC-TRS) Form relates to transfer of securities between a resident and a person outside India.
At present, both the options (online and physical) for filing of the forms are available to users.
While launching the FC-TRS module on e-Biz portal on August 24, 2015, banks were informed that the facility of physical filing will be discontinued in three months.
The decision to completely switch over to online filing of forms has been taken after assessing the readiness of banks to file these forms online, RBI said.