Trimming most of its early losses, the stock ended the day at Rs 12.90, down 3.37 per cent on BSE. During the day, it slipped 8.61 per cent to Rs 12.20.
At NSE, shares of the company went down 3.74 per cent to close at Rs 12.85.
In terms of equity volume, 67.51 lakh shares of the company were traded on BSE and over 7 crore shares changed hands at NSE during the day.
In a clarification to BSE, Reliance Communications spokesperson yesterday said: "The company has not been served any notice of the application filed by China Development Bank with NCLT, as reported in the media."
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However, in the interest of all stakeholders, the spokesperson said: "The company is engaged through the JLF (joint lenders forum) with all its lenders for a successful resolution of the SDR process. China Development Bank has also been actively participating in the JLF."
The company continues to remain engaged with all lenders including China Development Bank and is confident and committed to a full resolution with the support of all the lenders.