In what it claimed could result in a saving of Rs 780 crore, the Andhra Pradesh government on Monday received a single bid in the re-tender for the Polavaram project head works (balance) and the 960 MW hydropower project, with the bidder quoting Rs 4,359 crore as against the estimated commercial value of Rs 4,987 crore.
Last week, the government announced it 'saved' Rs 58 crore on a package of works related to Polavaram by going for reverse tendering.
The gross saving, thus, would be over Rs 839 crore on various balance works of Polavaram, the government claimed on Monday.
The re-tender process comes after the High Court staying the cancellation of Polavaram hydropower project contract, previously awarded to Navayuga Engineering Company and also the reverse tendering the government planned.
Also, the Centre, which is supposed to provide 100 per cent funding for Polavaram (irrigation component) since it has been declared a national project, raised objections over the re-tender process.
However, the irrigation part of the Polavaram multipurpose project will now be further delayed as the government set a two-year deadline for completion of the head works as per the tender guidelines.
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For the hydropower project, 58 months time has been given to the contractor.
After many revisions, the then TDP government set June 2020 as the final deadline for Polavaram (irrigation component),but it will now stretch at least till November 2021 as the works, stalled for over six months now, are expected to be resumed only in November.
On August 1, the state government issued a termination notice for pre-closure of works awarded to Navayuga Engineering Company for execution of head works of the project and decided to call tenders afresh for selecting a new agency.
This was based on the recommendation of a high-level expert committee constituted by the Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy government as the Chief Minister declared his intention to cancel the contract and go for reverse tendering, alleging large-scale financial misappropriation by the previous Chandrababu Naidu regime.
On August 17, fresh bids were called for the Polavaram head works (balance portion) and the hydropower project with Rs 4,987 crore as the initial benchmark price.
Infrastructure major Megha Engineering and Infrastructure Limited remained the lone bidder for the works when the price bid was opened on Monday afternoon and it quoted Rs 4,359.11 crore.
"On a pro rata basis, this a saving of Rs 223 crore on head works and Rs 557 crore on hydro project.
Since only one bidder has participated, there is no provision for initiating the reverse tendering process," Polavaram project Chief Engineer B Sudhakara Babu said.
In a letter to the Water Resources Department Special Chief Secretary Adityanath Das, Sudhakara Babu suggested that the contract be awarded to Megha upon review of technical and commercial qualification criteria.
This process is expected to be completed by October 1.