The celebrated double trap shooter, who joined BJP in September last year after taking voluntary retirement from the Indian Army, may be seen to get the sports minister's portfolio but Rathore said providing "siksha, rojgar and paani" in his constituency would top the agenda.
"It's up to the captain to take the decision but it's the time to work together and shoulder responsibilities. Be it with or without a post, I'm ready to take responsibility given to me in the next government," Rathore told PTI in the middle of a celebration with wife Gayithri and people of Jaipur.
Rathore became the first individual Olympic medalist to win an LS seat. 1972 hockey bronze medalist Aslam Sher Khan had earlier won.
For somebody who had compared joining politics like diving into deep sea without a "life jacket", Rathore said it was another challenge he liked and thanked Modi for guiding him all the way.
"It did feel diving into deep sea without a life jacket but I was fully confident with the top leadership of Narendra Modiji at the helm. The people's verdict is out. Modi is no more a mere person. He has become the symbol of development, committment and nationalism.