Rajasthani and Hindi writer Bharadwaj said he agreed to take back the award as he is now convinced by the Akademi, which held an executive meeting to condemn the killing of rationalists.
"It was a different situation in the country when the authors returned the award.
"Some time back, the Akademi held a meeting and took a positive decision following which I have decided to take back the award," he told reporters at the Jaipur Literature Festival here.
The writer had in October last year returned the award, which he had received in 2004, to protest against alleged intolerance and killing of rationalists.
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He, however, said that he "would continue to oppose the issue of intolerance whenever required and at every level".
"Intolerance issue has not subsided," he said.
Earlier today, Sahitya Akademi said that some of the writers, including Nayantara Sahgal, have agreed to take back the awards they had returned citing 'growing intolerance' in the country.