"Ente" a film made in Malayalam stars Marathi actor Anjali Patel in lead and actor Siddique as who plays Patel's father,is scheduled to hit theatres later this month.
"Sex trafficking has been a problem for so many years but even today people are quick to point fingers at trafficked women and girls. The blocks in the minds of people have not changed, they still think that abuse and trafficking cannot happen to them. That has got to change and I am taking the route of mainstream cinema to reach to a larger audience," says Sunitha.
Sunitha has coproduced the film, which has also been simultaneously shot in Telugu, with her husband Rajesh Touchriver.
The activist who runs an NGO in Hyderabad to help victims of sexual assault says she has received death threats and been targeted by acid attacks and even beaten up over a dozen times by those who view her as a threat.
"The biggest challenge in what I am doing is getting people to empathise with the problem. I believe the day those who have the power to make rules begin to empathise and personalise the problem that day social change will begin," says the activist. MORE