Amar, who along with MP Jaya Prada, had come to Amuwari Narainpur village to meet Seepu's family members, however ruled it out as a threat, and said "nobody can dare to threaten me and it must be an advice."
He alleged that the law and order situation is so bad in UP that leave alone common man, even public representatives are not safe.
Without taking any name, Amar claimed involvement of a UP minister in Seepu's murder, and said this angle should also be kept in mind by the CBI team probing the murder.
Without naming any particular community, he alleged that "prominent leaders of a particular caste were being targeted and eliminated" as a part of a "conspiracy" by SP government.
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Questioning the existence of 'Samajwadi' model in UP under Akhilesh Yadav's rule, Amar accused SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav of using leaders like Chandrashekhar, V P Singh, Amar Singh, Raghuraj Pratap Singh (Raja Bhaiya) and Ram Pyare Singh for political gains, and later disowning them.
Amar said as his wife belongs to Gujarat, Modi is like his brother-in-law and he won't make any comment.
"Instead of Hindu nationalist, only the word nationalist would have been fine," Amar said.