Organizing secretary cum IG (North Himachal) Rakesh Aggarwal said,"It is the biggest Contingent in this cluster of Games in India, which contains 30 teams, which shows the popularity of Dharamsala after One day cricket."
He said that Dharamsala is hosting the same cluster of Police Games after a gap of 9 years .
He informed that the teams from Andaman & Niccobar islands could not report due to unfavorable sailing conditions there.
Aggarwal also said that all teams are participating in Volleyball, 26 each in Basketball and Kabbadi and 21 in Handball.
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SSP Kangra Balbir Thakur said,"The participants shall be severed with Traditional Himachali DHAM on the day of Bara Khana, this will proved them test of different parts of the state."
He said that all the arrangements were made for the smooth conduct of the tournament.
Governor of Himachal Pradesh shall inaugurate the event on 18th March while Chief Minister will be the chief guest of the closing ceremony on March 22nd.