The film follows a successful business owner of a fashion website (Witherspoon) who develops a bond with an elderly intern (De Niro) hired by her company, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Tina Fey was initially in talks for the lead role. Meyers is best known for scripting and directing movies such as 'The Parent Trap' with Lindsay Lohan, 'The Holiday' with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet, and most recently, the Meryl Streep-starring 'It's Complicated'.
Witherspoon recently starred alongside Matthew McConaughey in 'Mud' and is currently filming 'Wild', which is based on Cheryl Strayed's best-selling novel about a 26-year-old woman who finds herself at a crossroads following the death of her mother and end of her marriage.
De Niro will next be seen starring alongside Michelle Pfeiffer in 'The Family'.