Meanwhile, groundnutoil and linseed oil ruled stable in the absence of any worthwhile buying activity.
In the non-edible section, castorseeds bold and castor oil commercial fell owing to lack of demand from shippers and soap manufacturers.
The castorseeds futures rates were unavailable today.
In the edible section, refined palmolein eased by Rs 2 per 10kg to Rs 580 from Tuesday's closing level of Rs 582. Groundnut oil closed unchanged at Rs 800 per 10kg.
Moving to non-edible segment, castorseed bold dipped by Rs 75 per 100kg to Rs 4,350 from Rs 4,425 and castoroil commercial declined by Rs 15 per 10kg to Rs 900 as against Rs 915 yesterday. Linseedoil closed unaltered at Rs 825 per 10kg.