Telangana Chief MinisterK Chandrasekhar Rao on Thursday said the state government is proposing regulated farming in the state so that farmers can get a higher price for their produce by cultivating crops which have high demand in the market.The government is suggesting cultivation of crops in a regulated manner so as to prevent farmers from suffering losses by cultivating the same crop (in excess), he said.He held a meeting with ministers and officials on the proposed regulated farming, an official release said.Rao said he would like farmers in the state to benefit by getting good price for their produceby cultivating crops as per the regulated farming being proposed and throughthe Rythu Bandhu investment support scheme.The state agriculture department and the agriculture university would make appropriate suggestions to the farmers on the crops to be cultivated, he said.The government is making suggestions to the farmers as per the advice of agri scientists who decided on the crops to be cultivated as per season, among otheraspects.The agro-business wing has decided on the crops that have demand in the market.Recalling that paddy was cultivated in 40 lakh acres during rainy season last year, Rao said it should be cultivated in the same area this year also.Among a number of suggestions, he said farmers conventions should be held in the coming four-five days on a cluster basis to create awareness among farmers on regulated farming.