DDCA had got a one-day lifeline by the BCCI yesterday after it overshot the original deadline set by the Indian cricket board to get all the neccessary clearances to host the fourth Test. The state government then moved HC with a plea seeking a direction to South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) over issuing a POC.
After the hearing spilled over to Day 2, DDCA finally got a relief from the honourable court and Chauhan thanked the judiciary.
"He (Mudgal) is a good man, a cricket lover and very reasonable. He is very impartial and we are happy to carry on our duties under his guidance," the former India cricketer said.
The Rs 24.45 crore entertainment tax slapped by the government on the state body, which seemed to be the bone of contention in hosting the match will be be up for discussion tomorrow and Chauhan is hopeful that everything will fall into place.
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DDCA was living on hope and prayers after the three-member probe panel set up by Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal observed that the state association is indulging in rampant corruption and needs to be suspended. Anti-DDCA voices also gained ground after the government observation but Chauhan said that controversies apart, people were unneccessarily spreading negativity.
"People were jumping unnecessarily. They even tried from the backdoor to enter the match organising committee. But their intentions have been foiled," said Chauhan.