In its ATR, the police said on January 28 this year, Garg had filed a similar complaint at Maurice Nagar police station and since its contents were "vague" and "not specific", it was analysed and legal opinion was taken from the chief public prosecutor. "From the transcription of the speech, it is nowhere reflected that the Home Minister intended to incite any class of community or person to commit any offence against any other class or community. "Further, the uttering of the words with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of other persons is an offence, but the same is lacking in the speech," the ATR said. It further said that "when the speaker with deliberate or malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of citizen of India insults or attempts to insult the religion or religious beliefs of that class is an essential ingredient which is also not there in the given set of facts." Garg had earlier referred to LeT founder Hafiz Saeed's comments on Shinde's statements and had told the court that his remarks have "given a boost to international terrorists". Accusing him of playing vote bank politics, Garg had said that Shinde, being the Home Minister, is under a duty to maintain peace, law and order in the country.