The court had on January 28 ordered initiation of proceedings under section 82 of the Code of Criminal Proceedings (CrPC) to declare the eight men, who have also been named in the charge sheet and are wanted for their alleged roles in killing Hardeep. All belong to Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh and are absconding. The eight, against whom the proceedings were ordered, are Hardayal Singh, Satnam Singh, Baj Singh, Balkar Singh, Pargat Singh, Kulbir Singh, Bakshish Singh and Dharmender Singh. Under section 82 of the CrPC, if the court has a reason to believe that the accused is absconding or is concealing himself, it orders the prosecution to publish a notice about the accused or publicly announce or affix information about them near their house or public places for making them appear in the court. The judge had said since the NBWs issued against them could not be executed at the addresses, he was satisfied that a case has been made out to initiate the process of declaring them absconding. The two against whom the court has issued non bailable warrants and also named in the charge sheet are Inderpal and Premveer.