In an advisory issued today, the ministry said, "In the wake of recent Muzaffarnagar communal riots, some TV channels have been telecasting inflammatory and provocative news or programmes in a sensational manner."
It said that the channels have been airing footage, video, interviews, etc. Of leaders of diverse spectrum which could vitiate the situation in the entire area.
"These could further ignite communal tension, violence and create law and order problem not only in the riot-affected area but elsewhere' whereas a strong need is felt that channels should take all steps to avoid telecasting such inflammatory and sensitive material and should exercise maximum restraint and caution in reporting matters of this nature," the ministry said.
It added that according to rules no programme can be transmitted or re-transmitted on any cable service which can promote communal attitudes and is likely to encourage or incite violence. It said that a violation of rules could attract penal provisions.
Earlier this week, a show cause notice was issued to a TV channel after the ministry felt that content aired by it could have affected communal harmony.