"We demand that 90 per cent of Lok Sabha and Vidha Sabha seats in the state should be reserved for locals. Such a step will safeguard the indigenous people of Assam," AGP Working President Atul Bora (Junior) told reporters here.
He said massive immigration from across the border had made the plight of genuine Indian citizens worse in the state.
The party also blasted state Chief MInister Tarun Gogoi's comments made yesterday regarding pervasiveness of corruption in the state.
"Gogoi has lost the moral right to remain in his post... While we are not demanding his resignation, we request him to consult his own conscience to find out whether he is fit to occupy the chair after the admission made by him," Bora said.
He added: "Gogoi admitted failure in tackling corruption, in the issue of illegal immigration, employment generation and so on. In such a case, it would have been better if he had first given up his post and then made the confession."
Bora hinted that the party would fight the upcoming panchayat polls in Assam alone.
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Asked if any renewal of tie-up with the BJP is likely in future after elevation of former Lok Sabha MP Sarbananda Sonowal as the saffron party's state chief, Bora refused to give a direct answer.
He admitted that AGP regimes in past had failed to deport illegal immigrants but blamed the then existing Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act for the failure.
"Now there is no IM(DT) Act. So what is preventing the state government from detecting and deporting illegal immigrants," Bora argued.