In the wake of coronavirus scare, agroup of residents from a housing society in Pimpri-Chinchwad township has approached the police, asking them to restrict a family, currently on a trip abroad, from entering their premises.Eight positive cases of the deadly infection have been reported in Pune so far.According to police officials, the family from the housing society is currently on a trip to Malaysia and other countries and supposed to return on Sunday."Some residents approached the police station and asked us not to allow the family to enter into the housing society as they might be exposed to the coronavirus."However, the police counselled them that upon returning, they will have to undergo medical screening at the airport so there is no need to worry," said a senior official of the Pimpri-Chinchwad police station.He told the residents that imposing such restrictions was not appropriate.Strict screening measures are being taken at airports to stop spread of the virus, the official added.