In apre-Budget memorandum submittedto the state government today, Sanjay Khurana, Chairman, CII Himachal Pradesh State Council,said,"The Industries have been paying maintenance charges and External Development Charge (EDC) to the various departments of the Government but the levy ofproperty tax levied by Municipal Committees on industrial units is unjustified and has created unnecessary hardship forthe industry."
CII strongly pleads that the industries should taken out from the purview of property Tax, he said.
The state Government should ensure that Truck Unions stop unfair and monopolistic trade practices as these Unions have already caused a huge damage to 'Brand Himachal Pradesh'byway ofdiscouraging fresh investments inthe state, it said.
The government should provide adequate infrastructure through special budgetary allocations for the repair and maintenance ofroads in various industrialareas of the state.
TheState Electricity Board must put in place a robust contingency mechanism for power supply during thewinter season as even in the key tourist places likeShimla, Manali and Dalhousie had no power supply for many days, putting people to a lot of inconvenience.
The CIIsuggeststhat theState Electricity Department should take all precautionary measures and strengthen its infrastructure so that during winter tourists feel delighted to come to Himachal Pradesh," CII said.