The local MeT office has predicted snowfall in mid and higher hills tomorrow and January 7 onwards.
Mercury rose by four degree to minus 4.1 degree at Keylong against minus 8.6 degree yesterday.
Bhuntar, Kalpaand Manali recordeda low of 0.4 degree, 1.4 degree and 1.8 degree, followed bySundernagar 3.8 degree, Solan and Una 4.0 degree, Palampurand Dharamsala 6. 5 degree.
Shimla was hottest during the day with maximum temperature at 9.1 degree, while Nahan waswarmer at night with a low of 8.0 degree.
Nahan recorded a high of 17.0 degree, followed by Dharamsala 16. 2 degree, Sundernagar 16.0 degree,Shimla 15.1 degree, Bhuntar 15.0 degree, Manali 11.4 degree and Kalpa 7.0 degree Celsius.
The dry weather in mid and lower hills is causing anxiety to apple growers and farmers,who have finished sowing of Rabi crop, while snowfall at this time was essential for attaining requisite chilling hours for apple crop.