Swamy, who met Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar earlier in the day, said the terror attack and the killing of jawans at "Pakistan's behest" represents a paradigm change in the "reckless disregard and audacity" of Pakistan which requires a "sharp retaliatory response" most urgently.
He told Parrikar that a "surgical bombardment" of terrorist training camps in PoK is one such step and essential to meet Indian people's expectation from a strong government for which the people had voted in 2014, a statement by Swamy said.
Swamy said Pakistan's embassy should be immediately downgraded and the ambassador be sent back.
He also suggested that China and Israel should be taken into confidence and persuaded to support India's retaliatory actions against Pakistan.
Heavily armed militants suspected to be from Pakistan- based JeM had yesterday stormed an Army base in Uri in Kashmir, killing 18 jawans.