A Delhi court Thursday extended till November 14 the judicial custody of former Fortis Healthcare promoters Malvinder Singh and his brother Shivinder for allegedly misappropriating funds of Religare Finvest Ltd (RFL).
Metropolitan Magistrate Deepak Sherawat also extended the judicial custody of three others, Sunil Godhwani, Kavi Arora and Anil Saxena, till November 31.
On October 23, the court was informed that the settlement talks between the Singh brothers and RFL remained inconclusive as no proposal was given to the company by them.
Malvinder (46), Shivinder (44), Godhwani (58) and Arora (48) and Saxena, were arrested by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police for allegedly diverting the money and investing in other companies.