In the district, 1,457 villages consisting of 1.15 lakh BPL households were targeted for electrification under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RG-GVY) by June 2008, reported the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
However, as of March 2012, electrification was completed in 668 villages (and work was in progress in 789 villages) and only 214 villages out of the 668 villages electrified, were connected to Power Sub-Stations (PSS), the report said.
"Thus, expenditure of Rs 57.75 crore incurred on electrification of these villages became largely unfruitful as 454 villages remained deprived of electricity," it added.
The RG-GVY was introduced by the Centre in March 2005 with the objective to provide electricity to all rural households and improvement of electrical infrastructure by 2009.