Additional Dsitrict Judge Rajendra Kumar Tosh, while pronuoncing life term for Bhimsen Kanhar, also imposed a penalty of Rs 15000/- for setting afire his wife Namita Kanhar after pouring kerosene at his house at Bulungi village under Phulbani sadar Police station.
In the event of failure to pay the penalty amount, the convict would have to undergo additional jail term for two months, the court ordered.
According to the prosecution, Bhimsen had got married to the deceased 12 years before her death and had a bitter relationship with his wife marked by frequent quarrels.
An FIR was lodged by her father Kantheswar Kanhar with Phulbani Sadar police the next day and the accused was arrested.
After examining 15 witnesses and other evidences, the court pronounced the judgment, said Additional Public Prosecutor Siba Prasad Tripathy.