In a report released today, the advocacy group calls the examinations "a form of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment" that amounts to sexual assault, violates international conventions and could rise to the level of torture.
The report draws on interviews with 32 men and transgender women subjected to the exams in eight countries that ban same-sex conduct: Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda and Zambia.
A Kenyan court recently upheld the use of anal examinations to determine a suspect's sexual orientation, dismissing the argument that the procedure amounts to torture and degrading treatment.
A group of homosexuals in Uganda will soon launch a court case against the procedure because it violates the country's bill of rights, said Frank Mugisha, a gay leader who said he was aware of many such incidents.
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"It's very degrading," he said.
Although some cases involve rape, many involve consenting adults targeted by the police, some of whom try to extort cash from suspects, Mugisha said.
Many homosexuals live secret lives, afraid of beatings and other acts of violence if they are outed.