Profit rose 0.2 per cent to Rs 5,511 crore, or Rs 17.10 a share, in the October-December quarter from Rs 5,502 crore, or Rs 17 a share, a year earlier, RIL said in a statement.
The markets expected profit to range between Rs 5,310 and Rs 5,350 crore. Earnings were also higher than the Rs 5,490 crore posted in the second quarter.
Sales rose 10.5 per cent to Rs 106,383 crore.
RIL, which operates two adjacent refineries at Jamnagar in Gujarat, said it earned USD 7.6 on turning every barrel of crude oil into fuel compared with a gross refining margin of USD 9.6 per barrel in Q3 of the previous fiscal.
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The margins were better than the Singapore average even though earnings before interest and taxes from the refining business was down 13.1 per cent as it processed less crude oil due to a maintenance shutdown at one of the plants.
RIL Chairman and Managing Director Mukesh Ambani said the company has commissioned a new polyester facility in Silvassa, the first among the USD 12 billion worth of projects it had undertaken to expand in the core business of petrochemicals and oil and gas.
Before the earnings announcement, RIL shares dipped 0.07 per cent to Rs 884.55 at close on the BSE.