A total of over Rs 1,641 crore of premium is pending against five lease holders of MMRDA, who were given extensions to complete construction of projects on the plots allotted to them, the MMRDA said in a reply to an RTI application filed by Mumbai-based activist Anil Galgali.
Out of these pending premiums, Reliance Industries alone owes over Rs 1,576 crore for two plots--G/C-64 and G/C-66.
The RIL reacted saying that court stay and regulatory clearances had delayed the construction. The matter is before an MMRDA committee from which a final decision is awaited, an RIL spokesperson said.
The RIL has paid over Rs four lakh as premium against another plot G/RG -1A.
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Besides Reliance Industries Limited, other private
sector organisations against whom dues are pending include Naman Hotels Private Limited with over Rs 23 crore, Indian Newspaper Society with over Rs 28 crore. The government organisations having dues include Commissioner of Income Tax with Rs 5.30 crore and Maharashtra Maritime Board with dues of over Rs 7.21 crore
"For Plot Number C/66, in the MMRDA Meeting held on October 22, 2012 it was resolved and an order was passed that the extension of time may be granted upto six years for the new allottee.
"The major reasons quoted in the order for the extension were issues with regards to plot demarcation and road-widening, increase in the FSI (additional built up area), delay in obtaining Environmental Clearance, HRC NOC and Civil aviation NOC. Based on this facts, authority has recognised to extend the construction duration from four to six years and hence referred the matter to committee for their opinion which is awaited," the spokesperson said.