Consolidated net profit in January-March at Rs 7,398 crore or Rs 25.1 a share was 15.9 per cent higher than Rs 6,381 crore or Rs 21.7 per share profit a year ago.
Standalone net profit was 17.25 per cent higher at Rs 7,320 crore.
This is the highest quarterly net profit for RIL since it clocked Rs 8,079 crore net profit in the third quarter of 2007-08.
Sales, however, dropped 12 per cent to Rs 64,569 crore in January-March.
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The company posted a record annual net profit at Rs 27,630 crore or Rs 93.1 per share in 2015-16, up 17.2 per cent over Rs 23,566 crore, or Rs 80.1 a share.
Turnover was, however, down 23.8 per cent to Rs 2,96,091 crore on lower oil prices.
"The commercial roll-out of Jio services this year will digitally enable a billion Indians and propel growth for India and Reliance," he said.
The refining segment of oil-to-telecom conglomerate recorded the highest ever quarterly pre-tax profit (EBIT) of Rs 6,394 crore, up 30.4 per year-on-year. Petrochemical EBIT was up 35.4 per cent at Rs 2,713 crore.
The company's retail business saw 17.5 per cent rise in
PBDIT at Rs 235 crore in Q4 of 2015-16 fiscal. Reliance Retail added 624 stores, taking the total number to 3,245 across 532 cities.
Interest cost at Rs 813 crore in the fourth quarter was higher than Rs 677 crore in corresponding period of the previous year due to higher average exchange rates.
"FY 2015-16 has been a year of outstanding achievement for our downstream hydrocarbon businesses, notwithstanding persisting global economic uncertainty.
"Refining and petrochemicals delivered record operating and financial performances. Our refineries sustained double-digit GRMs and record levels of utilization through the year," Ambani said.
Reliance Retail continued its path of profitable expansion while maintaining a robust revenue growth of 23 per cent during the year.
"Looking ahead, we are focused on ensuring a flawless startup and stabilization of the new growth platforms across our hydrocarbon and consumer businesses.
RIL shares fell 0.2 per cent to Rs 1,038.95 at the close in BSE before the earnings were announced.