In a statement, RIL said a report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) will come into existence when each audit para including one on pricing of gas "have gone through various stages of comments and clarifications from all concerned parties and the counter of the auditee under review."
RIL, however, did not refute the contents of the draft report that has been sent to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas as well as to the company for comments.
On top of this sale price, RIL charged a marketing margin of USD 0.135 per mmBtu to cover for its marketing risks but did not include it for calculation of royalties and government's share of KG-D6.
RIL said, "Premature leak(s) by way of 'draft reports'... is/are harmful to any company and its global reputation."
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"RIL has consequently, since the commencement of production in April 2009, charged customers prices in accordance with the formula approved by the Government," he said in the statement.
Since the take of all the parties to the contract, including the government, was dependent upon the price, the company cannot charge/round off a price that is lower than the price calculated on the basis of the approved formula, he added.
Marketing margin, it said, cannot be considered for "accounting purposes in an audit of the Production Sharing Contract (PSC)" since the operations of the contract end with the production and delivery of gas at the defined delivery point.