RIL's stock gained 1.89 per cent to settle at Rs 1,616.10 on BSE. During the day, it rose by 2.43 per cent to Rs 1,624.80 -- its multi-year high.
At NSE, shares of the company went up by 1.9 per cent to close at Rs 1,615.25.
The stock had gained nearly 4 per cent on Friday also. In two days, the company's market valuation rose sharply by Rs 28,447.08 crore to Rs 5,25,513.08 crore.
Oil-to-telecom conglomerate RIL on Thursday reported its highest quarterly consolidated net profit of Rs 9,108 crore in three-months to June 30.
RIL also announced one bonus share for every share held - the first such issue after 8 years and a dividend of Rs 13 a share.