Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries, which had last year acquired majority holding in Network18 for Rs 4,000 crore through Independent Media Trust (IMT), said the move was to comply with Sebi's requirement of keeping promoter holding at a maximum of 75 per cent.
The floor price for the Offer For Sale, which would take place on July 8, will be decided after close of market hours tomorrow. At the current price, the share sale could be worth over Rs 200 crore.
Promoter shareholding in the company as on March 31, 2015, stood at 78.1 per cent.
It further said the company will offload shares to "increase public shareholding in the company to 25 per cent as mandated by Clause 40A of the listing agreement pursuant to Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1967".
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On May 29 last year, in the biggest ever deal in India's media sector, Reliance Industries acquired control in Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd, including its subsidiary TV18 Broadcast Ltd, for Rs 4,000 crore.
Subsequently, the company made open offers to acquire controlling stake in media group Network18 and its subsidiaries.
In January 2012, Network18 Group and Reliance Industries had joined hands for a multi-layered deal, under which the Mukesh Ambani-led corporate giant sold part of its interest in ETV channels and got access to content and distribution assets of the electronic media group.