The stock gained 2.93 per cent to end at Rs 609.30 on BSE. During the day, it surged 6.42 per cent to Rs 630.
On NSE, shares of the company rose by 2.86 per cent to close at Rs 609.50.
On the volume front, 7.80 lakh shares of the company were traded on BSE and over 61 lakh shares changed hands on NSE during the day.
"DAMEPL, a subsidiary of RInfra, announced that it has been awarded compensation of Rs 2,950 crore by a three member arbitral tribunal in a unanimous decision. The tribunal was constituted from a panel nominated by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)," Reliance Infrastructure said in a statement yesterday.
The award to RInfra has been granted on the basis of termination provisions of the concession agreement where the arbitration tribunal has held termination by Delhi Airport Metro Express Private Limited (DAMEPL) as valid.