Actor Ajay Devgn, whose "Shivaay" will clash at the box office with "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil", last evening shared on Twitter an audio where Kamaal Rashid Khan, who uses his initials KRK in his reviews, is heard making the admission.
Rishi, who was here to attend the BRICS Film Festival inaugural ceremony, was leaving when reporters asked him his take on the controversy.
Before the row erupted, the "Kapoor & Sons" star posted words of praise for both the movies and extended his best wishes to Ajay for "Shivaay".
Meanwhile, KRK has denied taking bribe from Johar and even claimed that it was Ajay, who offered him money to bash "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil". He also claimed that Ajay was just using him to target Johar.
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