The Rs. 50 lakh event has attracted some of the biggest names and rising stars of Indian professional golf such as Chikkarangappa S, Khalin Joshi, Shubhankar Sharma and Rashid.
Chikkarangappa, the reigning Rolex Ranking champion who posted a tied 15th finish on the Asian Tour last week, is eager to make an impact on the PGTI this year as well.
"I've played just one event on the PGTI this year. But since I'm looking to play about six to seven events in the second half, I believe, I will have a good chance of defending my Rolex Ranking crown if I play to my potential," said Chikka, who bagged three trophies on the PGTI last year.
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He feels he can turn it around by kick-starting his second half of 2016 with a good performance in Noida.
Joshi said, "The year's not been great for me so far. But I played well in my last two events on the ADT. I'll look to get back into my rhythm this week so that I can carry forward the momentum into the coming weeks.
"This tournament is a great initiative by Mr. HR Srinivasan. We need more people like him to come forward to help further build on the gains made by Indian professional golf in recent years."
Shubhankar said, "My season so far has been up and down. I've done well on the PGTI and also had a top-3 finish each on the Asian Tour and the ADT in the first half of the year. But since then I've not performed as per my expectations. I've missed a couple of cuts on the Asian Tour and that's been disappointing.
"Nonetheless, I'm feeling good about my game at the moment. The Noida Golf Course is playing a little different this time around due to the rainy conditions. One will need to hit longer clubs getting into the greens so it will be a good challenge.