The Indian squad includes experienced Deepika, Ritu, Vandana Katariya, Poonam Rani, Navjot Kaur, Deep Grace Ekka, Renuka Yadav, Monika, Sunita Lakra, Namita Toppo, and goalkeeper Savita who were all part of the Rio Olympics squad.
India will be up against Belarus, Canada, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Chile in the Round 2.
Midfielder Ritu had announced her retirement in September last year, post her wedding.
"My family is extremely supportive of me playing hockey and they really encouraged me to pursue the sport even after marriage. They are the reason why I am back again. I think the women's team has entered a new and exciting phase where I believe if we work hard, we can really make a mark in world hockey," she said.
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Speaking about the big win ahead of the Hockey World League Round 2, Sjoerd Marijne, the newly-appointed chief coach for the Indian women's team said,"The most important thing in the Test Series was to understand each other. Besides that, we wanted to implement a few new things and the girls understand better and better which is really good. I am happy with the result and most importantly I am happy with their consistent performance."
Marijne insisted that the following weeks at the national camp in Bhopal will be crucial in terms of improving their fitness and other tactical structure.
Marijne expressed that his first few weeks have been fruitful. "We feel really welcome. The team is very disciplined and they show the eagerness to get better and better. As coaches, it is a good environment to be in," he said."
Goalkeepers: Savita, Rajani Etimarpu; Defenders Deep Grace Ekka, Sunita Lakra, Gurjit Kaur, Renuka Yadav, Lalhlunmawii; Midfielders: Deepika, Navjot Kaur, Ritu Rani, Monika, Lily Chanu Mayengbam, Namita Toppo; Forwards: Rani, Vandana Katariya, Poonam Rani, Sonika, Anupa Barla.