"You will not find a bigger conman than Narendra Modi in the world. He is duping a billion people of our country with false promises on black money, unemployment and inflation. We have launched a 'halla bol' movement to protest this," said RJD state president Ram Chandra Purve at the day-long mahadharna here.
"We will unite the poor and farmers under the leadership of our chief Lalu Prasad and wage a battle to give a befitting reply to Modi in the 2015 Assembly elections for his going back on his words," Purve added.
"He (Modi) kept talking about bringing back black money stashed in foreign countries and giving it to the people, but where is it? The common man and poor are being devoured by inflation while unemployment has darkened the future of our youth," Purve added.
The RJD state president asserted that Modi has ushered "socio-economic and political dangers" in the country due to his "divisionary policies" guided by RSS.
The RJD leader, however, categorically said that this was not the start of the assembly election campaign in the state, as it "would be launched in the presence of party chief Lalu Prasad".