MACT Presiding Officer Manish Gupta directed New India Assurance Company Ltd, with which the offending car was insured, to pay Rs 22,55,132 as compensation to the parents of victim Kunal Manchanda, an online editor at a media house, who died after his motorcycle was hit by the car in 2006.
The tribunal, while holding the driver guilty of rash and negligent driving, relied on documents on record, including the FIR, seizure memo of the car, mechanical inspection report of the vehicles and post-mortem report of the victim.
According to the petition, Kunal, a resident of Rohini here, was on his way back home on his bike from Noida late at night on July 16, 2006.
When he reached Prashant Vihar T-point intersection, he was knocked down by a speeding car which was being driven in rash and negligent manner by its driver, it said.
The petition filed by Kunal's parents, claimed a compensation of Rs 25 lakh for the untimely loss of their son.
During the proceedings, the driver had claimed that he was driving at a normal speed and the accident took place due to the victim's negligence.