Delhi Police today said in a traffic advisory that it has decided to close down Rajpath (from Vijay Chowk to Rashtrapati Bhawan), Vijay Chowk and its North and South Fountain area, South Avenue Marg, North Avenue Marg, Dalhousie Road and Church Road tomorrow from 2 PM to 8 PM.
The decision to close down the roads was taken as part of the elaborate security arrangements for the event which would be attended by a number of important heads of state, senior political leaders, diplomats, dignitaries and senior government functionaries, the advisory said.
Apart from closing down those roads, there would be diversions on other routes around Rashtrapati Bhawan to facilitate movement of VVIPs/VIPs.
The roads where diversions would be in place are Raisina Road (beyond roundabout of Rail Bhawan towards Parliament House), Pandit Pant Marg (beyond roundabout of Talkatora towards Parliament House) and K Kamraj Marg (beyond roundabout of Kamraj Marg towards Rashtrapati Bhawan).
Motorists and general public have been advised to avoid these routes from 2 PM to 8 PM. Adequate signages and boards have been provided for the information of invitees and other road users and all motorists are also requested to adhere to the directions of the traffic policemen on duty, the advisory said.