The accused, identified as Salim, Khalid and Shahzad -- all residents of Meerut district in Uttar Pradesh -- were nabbed yesterday by the Special Staff of North Delhi Police from near Jharoda Pusta road in the Burari area following a tip-off.
Other than the 20 cartons of Viagra, the pill for enhancing male potency, which was packaged under the brand name of Vigora, police also recovered 123 cartons of soap and 152 cartons of shampoo. The haul recovered from the gang costs around Rs 40 lakh.
Upon sustained questioning, the trio revealed that the goods were stolen from two highway dhabas at Pinjore and Saha. The trio was arrested after the police stations confirmed that they had had cases registered for the said instances of theft.
The truck in which the gang was moving around was found to be registered in the name of Bhuri, the mother-in-law of one Shajid, the alleged leader of the gang who is said to have taken away some cartons as a sample of the goods.
Besides the above goods, four rope-cutters and a hook to help in the shifting of bags/cartons were also recovered by police.