Directed by debutante Gren Wells, the movie centres on a young man (Sheehan) with Tourette's syndrome, who, when his mother dies, is placed in a residential home by his father. He breaks out of the facility with two fellow patients - an anorexic girl (Kravitz) and his OCD roommate (Patel) - to scatter his mother's ashes in the ocean.
The road trip movie was written by Wells and is adapted from the German film, 'Will Meer', reported Deadline.
Like Sheehan, Patel found fame in an E4 teen drama, playing Anwar Kharral in 'Skins'. He is currently starring on HBO drama 'The Newsroom'.
Kravitz is currently starring in 'After Earth', the sci-fi blockbuster starring Will Smith and son Jaden Smith, and will next be seen in 'Mad Max: Fury Road' with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron.
'The Road Within' begins production in July.