"It is no more a question of imparting mere literacy skills as today the challenge before teachers is to prepare future ready citizens who have the ability to scale the challenges posed by stiff global competition and yet remain rooted in the Indian values," said Spolia at the State Teacher Award Function organised by Directorate of Education on the occasion of Teacher's Day today.
He said that with the enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE), education has ceased to be a privilege or a luxury and has become a fundamental right making the role of teachers even more important.
A total of 75 teachers were given awards today from schools across Delhi.
Ravinder Kumar Sharma, Principal of Shaheed Captain Sanjeev Dahiya Government Co-Ed Sarvodaya School in Sector 9, Rohini and Laxmi Kumari Singh, who teaches economics at Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya No.1 at Shakti Nagar has been selected for the National Award.