Deo, an outgoing Union minister who lost in the recent Lok Sabha polls after being elected to the House for five terms, urged the party President Sonia Gandhi and Rahul to do introspection on how to "emancipate the Grand Old Party from the clutches of rootless wonders and spineless creepers, who have held sway for more than two decades and have brought the party to such a pass".
Alleging that there was a "stranglehold" of one to two dozen people on the party and its leadership, Deo made a strong pitch for Rahul as also Priyanka Gandhi to work to "free the Congress from these chains and shackles."
The Tribal Affairs Minister said that there was "crisis of credibility" as regards the Congress-led coalition in the wake of price rise of essential commodities and corruption and scams.
Making a serious charge on the state of party affairs in Seemandhra, he alleged that the "Congress was politically mortgaged and sold out to Jagan, YSR Congress and its fifth column.