The 25-year-old actress, who now resides in California with boyfriend Jason Statham, said she misses the traditional Sunday roast which consists of an oven-cooked meat joint, potatoes, vegetables and gravy, reported Contactmusic.
"All my friends in LA are English. It's impossible to find a good roast out there so I'm getting famous for 'Rosie's Roast Dinner.' I did a really good beef wellington the other day and I do a great chicken pot pie; good hearty country food. You're never going to come to my house and leave hungry.
"I'll cook healthy on a daily basis but once a week we'll definitely just have a good roast. My job is crazy but inside I feel normal and I want normal things in life," she said.
Although she misses British food, the model-and-actress has just bought her first home with Statham in Hollywood.
"It feels full of happiness and love and there's a good to have the energy. It's just really good to have the energy. It's cosy and feels like it was full and love and laughter. I know a little bit of the history. I feel grounded in that home."